Managing critical processes & tasks – ROI ‘Resolve’

The effective management of thousands of tasks such as Demonstrator requests, Agreement management or email enquiries is a challenge that every automotive manufacturer faces. Mostly these tasks are handled in individual software programs, inboxes or manual processes. Increasing pressure from Customers means turnaround times need to be made quicker and missing something, could mean lost sales.

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A number of ROI clients, including Skoda, PSA Group and Honda are reaping the benefits of Resolve’s intelligent unified inbox and tracking methodology. All tasks are assigned a ‘ticket’ which is time stamped, categorised and given a priority. The system then distributes these tasks to the correct personnel who are trained to handle the specific tasks. All tasks are visible to the ‘task controller’ and they can see where tasks are building and can reallocate resources to ensure that things are dealt with correctly. Even if the ‘task controller’ misses’ things, resolve has clever business rules built in to automatically escalate or reroute tasks.

For more information and a demonstration of ROI Resolve’s capabilities, contact Lloyd Stretton or Simon Fretwell on 0870 460 5474